Remove and Uninstall or Disable ModSecurity (mod_security)

If ModSecurity is Turned On via your Web Server , then build a .htaccess file and place it in the root of the folder running the script that may be having issues.

Issues such as Web Scripts and Broken Graphics also any script that use’s the Spaw Editor will break the format of the editor button layout, this is due to Mod_Security in effect.

Building a .htaccess file and / or adding the noted commands below will resolve. this.

ModSecurity is an open source embeddable web application firewall, or intrusion detection and prevention engine for web applications. ModSecurity provides protection from a range of attacks against web applications and allows for HTTP traffic monitoring and real-time analysis with no changes to existing infrastructure, by operating as an Apache Web server module mod_security or standalone, and thus increase web application security. However, misconfigured or overly strict rule sets, ModSecurity may cause your website to return various errors such as HTTP 403 Forbidden error or access denied error, login problems, or HTTP 412 Precondition Failed error, or HTTP 406 Not Acceptable error and other false positive symptoms.

To make matter worse, the configuration of ModSecurity rules and filters have to be done manually. Although there are free predefined certified rule set which can be used with ModSecurity out of the box, however the rule sets may be not suitable for each and every environment and may interfere with the operation of websites or blogs, and customizing and modifying the rules may be too sophisticated or complicated for some users. And for some websites that hosted on shared hosting service, the mod_security may be enable by default without options. So in this case, the best solution or workaround for mod security related issues is to disable mod_security filtering and rules.

If you’re using Apache web server (which mostly do), mod_security can be disabled by adding a specific in .htaccess file. Locate the .htaccess file in Apache web root directory (public_html or /var/www/ or others), if it does not exist, create a new file named .htaccess, and add in the following code:

SecFilterEngine Off
SecFilterScanPOST Off

The above entries in the .htaccess will disable the ModSecurity (mod_security) module for the domain.

Uninstallation of ModSecurity (mod_security) from Apache module

The easiest way to remove and uninstall mod_security is to comment out or delete the related mod_security entries from httpd.conf Apache configuration file. The lines that should be removed include:

AddModule mod_security.c
LoadModule security_module modules/
Include “/usr/local/apache/conf/modsec.conf” This line may be different depending on what variant of Linux or Unix you used and the installation location

Save the httpd.conf and restart the Apache. ModSecurity will not be loaded and as if uninstalled.

If you’re using WebHost Manager (WHM), uninstallation is even simpler. Just scroll to cPanel section, and click on Addon Modules. Then scroll to module named modsecurity. It should be checked Install and Keep Updated currently. Just click on Uninstall to remove the mod security feature from Apache web server.

Broken Graphics with Apache Linux Servers with Mod Security On

I was installing LW Forum from mods for phpfox and encountered broken graphics via the Quick Reply part of the mod / forum:

Here is the fix to create a .htaccess file and place it in the graphics directory:

I have the solution for the Broken Graphics, has to do with Mod Security, I built a .htaccess file and planted it in the graphics directory and it works:

*** Now I just need the 100% Table width resolved when reading a post as a member.

Here is the solution to Broken Graphics on servers with Mod Security Enabled:

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HTTP 406 Not Acceptable error – Mod Security

SolutionQuite often serves have a module running called mod_security. This has been known to prevent access to certain areas of CubeCart which the server mistakenly thinks are not secure for one reason or another.

On some servers this can be fixed by creating a file called htaccess.txt on your local computer. Make sure it has the content:

SecFilterEngine Off
SecFilterScanPOST Off

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Originally Posted by paragonhost
Installed LW Forum last night and this morning…

Went well.

2 issues

1) All Icons are broken in the Quick Reply , verifed the path that the script calls and the graphic is there. Also forced Binary upload , check permissions on all folds down the path to the graphic and they all have Read Permissions.

2) Screen width when viewing a forum post blows out to 100% for members, would like that to stay within the boundries of phpfox table width.

I have sent in an open ticket.

Anyone else let me know

